Understanding the types, Sources, and Impact of Air Pollutant on Health.

Microscopic chemicals in the air called air pollutants are bad for plants, animals, and people. There are several different kinds of air pollution. These could be gases, granules of solid matter, or droplets of liquid.

Here is a list of some common names for air pollutants.

1). Benzene:-Benzene is a liquid that is colorless with a sweet odor. Benzene has the molecular formula C6H6 and is an organic chemical compound.Benzene is known as a carbohydrate.

Health Risk:-Benzene intake can make you nauseous, give you headaches, dizziness, and cause insomnia as well.


  •  Glue.
  •  Paint.
  •  Furniture Wax.
  •  Detergent.
  •  Printers and Photocopy Machines.
  •  Pesticides.

2).Formaldehyde:- Formaldehyde is a simple chemical compound made of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. it is a naturally occurring Organic Compound with the Formula CH2O (H−CHO). 

Health Risk:-

  •  Watery eyes.
  •  Burning sensations of the eyes, nose, and throat.
  •  Coughing.
  •  Nausea.
  •  Wheezing.
  •  Skin irritation.


  •  Plywood.
  •  Pressed Wood Product.
  •  Fabric.
  •  Flooring
  •  Furniture

3). Ammonia:- A colorless gas with a distinct odor composed of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms is ammonia, also known as NH3.

Health Risk:

  •  Vomiting and headaches.
  •  Burning sensation in throat, nose, eyes, and skin.


  •  Cleaning Product.
  •  Building Materials.
  •  Pesticides.
  •  Dyes.

4).Carbon Monoxide (CO) :-Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and toxic gas, It is formed by defective burning of fossil fuels. When inhaled, carbon monoxide is toxic because it lacks oxygen saturation and harms the heart, brain and other vital organs of oxygen.

Health Risk:- Symptoms and health effects, There may be headache, dizziness, vomiting and nausea caused by breathing. 


  •  Kerosene and gas space heaters.
  •  Leaking chimneys and furnaces gasoline from the garage.
  •  Stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces.  
  • Signs of a carbon monoxide present in your house
  •  Air that is warm, stuffy, or smelly, like odor of something overheating or burning.

5).Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) :- Nitrogen Dioxide is highly reactive gas. It is produced by cars, industries and gas stove tops. It is a gas that is poisonous and corrosive. It irritates the mouth, eyes, nose, and respiratory tract.

Health Risk:-

  •  Asthmatic patients’ lung infections.
  •  A healthy person’s airway inflammation.


  •  Unvented combustion appliances, e.g. gas stoves welding.
  •  Cigarette smoke.
  •   Gas-fired cooking

6). Mold:- Some mold forms are harmless, whereas others are harmful sometimes in people, mold can cause an allergic reaction.

Symptoms may include nasal stuffiness, inflammation of the eyes or mouth, swelling, coughing, headaches or irritation of the skin. Mold can also trigger asthma attacks. 


  • Indoor Fungus Outdoor Fungus

7). Radon:-Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that at low levels, is almost everywhere.Your chance of developing lung cancer is increased through being exposed to high levels of radon. 

Source: Rock, Water and Soil 

8). Trichloroethylene:- It is a colorless liquid with a sweet fragrance like chloroform.

Health Risk:- Harmful effects on the nervous system, liver, respiratory system, kidneys, blood, immune system, heart, and body weight.


  •  Wood finishes
  •  Adhesives.
  •  Paint Removers and Stain Removers.

9). Asbestos:-Asbestos is a mineral fiber found in soil and rock. In a large range of manufactured goods, asbestos has been used. It may cause lung cancer.


  • Building materials Ceiling and floor tiles Paper products cement products.
  • Heat-resistant fabrics Packaging.
  • Gaskets Coatings. 

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